Learn how to play a computer prank on a fellow computer user. Apply one of our harmless April Fool's Day computer prank. Don't forget to check out our site http://howtech.tv/ for more free how-to videos! http://youtube.com/ithowtovids - our feed http://www.facebook.com/howtechtv - join us on facebook https://plus.google.com/103440382717658277879 - our group in Google+ In this tutorial, we will teach you how to perform April Fool's Day Computer Pranks. One can pull a Computer prank if there are multiple users sharing a computer. Step 1 -- Print Screen Follow this step by step guide to learn one of the April Fool's Day Computer Pranks. First of all, press the "print screen" button on your computer in order to take a screenshot of your desktop. Step 2 -- Open Paint Next go to the start menu and from there, open paint. Press the "ctrl + v" key in order to paste the screenshot of the desktop. Click on the drop down button in the extreme top left corner and click on the save as option. Over here, select the location where you want to save the file, enter the file name and select the save as type. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will choose the jpeg format. Once you are done, click on the save button. Now close paint and return to the desktop Step 3 -- Set as desktop background Go back to the start menu and from there, open pictures. Go to the folder where you have saved the recently created jpeg file. Once you have located it, right click on it and select the "set as desktop background" option. As a result, the picture will become the desktop background Step 4 -- Hide desktop icons Right click on the desktop, go to view and uncheck the show desktop icons. As a result, the desktop icons will disappear. However, this will create an illusion. It will appear that the icons are still there when they are not. When some new user will come and use the system, he'll keep clicking on the icons. He wouldn't know that these icons are there because of the desktop background image; the real desktop icons have been hidden. In this manner, you can pull a computer prank on the person who is next in line to use the system.